Saturday, February 22, 2014

My Best Friend


This captured moment truly is one of my most treasured photos of all time. Depending on the viewer, it has the potential to speak a million words. It’s a fact that if you know Cristiano Barbosa aka “Boza”, this picture will speak infinitively. Throughout my four years of High School, I had the pleasure and beautiful experience to be best friends with him. The thing about Cristiano is that he’s not a typical friend or person. In fact, just through a simple conversation with him can unfold his true meaning of life, to touch people’s heart. Myself and everyone else, can conclude that the bond created between you and Cristiano is extraordinary. Our bond was “absolutely unreal” as we once agreed, and others thought our bond was a little too much. It can definitely be seen in the photo of us two goons, as I’m flossing his teeth “For the Boys”. Boza and I knew of each other throughout high school, but unfortunately he and I didn’t open up until senior year. My favorite trait about Boza is how you don’t need to do much with him to have a good time. Just his presence was a gift enough because when accompanied by Chris, it’s always a thrilling time. Easily, I can say that I’ve never laughed harder with anyone else. It felt like once we started to laugh, the laughter arose more and more, just like our bond and friendship.  Not once have I ever seen Boza upset or in an angered mood. Endless amounts of smiles were shared from him to the world thus attracting so many people in his life. Chris has a somewhat magnetic connection with others. It’s inevitable not to love the kid, no matter what kind of person you are. Just the way Chris views life reflects beautifully upon the person he is. We always talked about how we had the same perspective towards life and how grateful we were to be breathing. “What a beautiful day it is at East Providence High School Baby!” was usually the conversation starter for us, rain or shine. Cristiano cherishes everything and everyone surrounding him. Having Cristiano Barbosa’s presence in one’s life is one of the best presents you can receive, even if it means his presence can only be re-lived through memories now. Rest in Peace Cristiano Barbosa.


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